Features • Compatible With Your Digital Life: iVolume integrates seamlessly with iTunes on Mac and PC, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, FrontRow and AirTunes.. IVolume ensures that all your iTunes songs play at the same volume level It calculates the volume perceived by the human ear for each song of your iTunes music collection.
Thereby iVolume gets the most out of the approved Replay Gain algorithm and adjusts your songs accordingly.. Most popular audio file formats like MP3, M4A/AAC, AIFF and Apple Lossless are supported.. IVolume calculates the volume perceived by the human ear for each song of your Your name * Email * Ease of use * (1 = Bad, 10 = Superb) Functionality * (1 = Bad, 10 = Superb) Value for money * (1 = Bad, 10 = Superb) Overall score * (1 = Bad, 10 = Superb) Comments * Please don't post questions, this is NO support or discussion list.. More popular software of Audio & Multimedia, Other Title / Version / Description Size License Price.
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IVolume ensures that all your iTunes songs play at the same volume level It calculates the volume perceived by the human ear for each song of your iTunes music collection.. • Blazingly Fast: iVolume takes advantage of newest technologies to fully utilize What's New in iVolume.. Thereby iVolume gets the most out of the approved Replay Gain algorithm and adjusts your songs accordingly.. Features • Compatible With Your Digital Life: iVolume integrates seamlessly with iTunes on Mac and PC, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, FrontRow and AirTunes.
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